Governing Documents
The OAPA leadership aims to provide transparency to members and the public by making these governing and financial documents available:
- Bylaws *Amended April 2024
- Policy Manual *Revised July 2024
- Officer Job Descriptions *Revised July 2024
- Conflict Of Interest Policy
- Whistleblower Policy
- Delegation of Authority (members only)
- Financial Data Access Agreement (members only)
- IRS Form 990
- AAPA Guidelines for Ethical Conduct for the PA Profession
OAPA Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
January 2024 | January 2023 | January 2022 | January 2021 |
April 2024 | April 2023 | April 2022 | April 2021 |
July 2024 | July 2023 | July 2022 | July 2021 |
September 2024 | September 2023 | October 2022 | September 2021 |
Election Follow Up
At the OAPA Membership Meeting on April 12 at the Sheraton Suites Akron Cuyahoga Falls, there was an opportunity to make nominations from the floor for write-in candidates. No floor nominations were made. The board candidates published their candidate statements in the March OAPA Newsletter.
Bylaws Amendment Vote Follow Up
The OAPA Bylaws was reviewed by the Bylaws Committee and Executive Director according to AAPA Bylaws, Ohio law and regulations, and OAPA policy. There were several categories of proposed amendments including:
- Consistent formatting and basic rules of grammar and punctuation
- Parity with AAPA Bylaws
- Use of inclusive language
- Clarification for ease of interpretation in cases where language may have been confusing
- Addition of language that references policy for clarification and guidance for the development of new and revision of current policy
These amendments were voted on at the OAPA Membership Meeting, April 12, 2024, during the Pharmacology Conference. Please note in the document that areas highlighted in yellow reflect simple changes like punctuation and formatting like underlining. Areas that are capitalized are adopted additions while those with strikethrough are adopted subtractions.
The rationale for proposed amendments that may not otherwise be implied is outlined below. Please contact with any questions.
Article III
- Section 3 → Consistent with AAPA Bylaws
- Section 4 → Consistent with Section 3
- Section 9 → In 2023, AAPA HOD approved granting voting privileges to retired members and the proposed change is to grant the same to retired OAPA members. Additionally, while reviewing the current financial state of OAPA, the proposed budget, membership data, and future growth of each category, the proposal is to move away from offering educational opportunities free of charge and instead offer them at 50% the usual cost consistent with membership dues. Approximately 5% of the OAPA membership has been in practice for 30 or more years and will likely transition into retirement in coming years. It is not sustainable for OAPA to continue to offer free conference registration to this portion of our membership considering membership growth and retention as it currently stands.
- Section 13 → Removal of language regarding “late fees” as OAPA does not enforce late fees for membership. This revision is repeated in subsequent sections.
Article IV
- Section 8 → parity with AAPA Bylaws
Article V
- Section 2 → Combines Section 2 and 3. Per Ohio Law: "The lesser of (a) ten per cent of the voting members or (b) twenty-five of the voting members, unless the articles or the regulations specify for such purpose a smaller or larger proportion or number, but not in excess of fifty per cent of the voting members." So rather than "majority" here, we should say "fifty percent".
- Section 4 → Per Ohio law: "The voting members present in person...shall constitute a quorum for the meeting." It is difficult to know if we will hit quorum (even if we have enough people attending a conference, they might not all be in the room during the meeting) so it is suggested we mirror Ohio law here and move away from the 10% statement.
Article VI
- Section 3 → Create a new section regarding the Executive Committee and added language consistent with AAPA. It is implied that the Executive Committee holds meetings and conducts business that does not require a Board vote. This update clarifies that in the case of an EMERGENCY only, the Board shall act on behalf of the Board for matters that do require a vote. The same process is followed thereafter.
- Section 5 → Clarifies this section applies to regular, not special, meetings and that Board members need to be notified of such meetings, though the membership does not. Also aligns with AAPA language.
- Section 8 → Parity with AAPA language.
Article VII
- Section 2 → Updated language to reflect the Board offices that are actually elected. The president and immediate past president are not elected positions and are addressed in Section 4. This is consistent with AAPA language.
- Section 5 → Adds retired members as eligible voters if the proposed amendment in Article III Section 9 is approved.
Article VIII
- Section 5 → Section 5 and 6 were combined to address both functions of this position - administrative and financial. In reality, the secretary/treasurer of the OAPA provides oversight of the various duties that are delegated to the ED. Rather than having a list of duties that the position typically does not perform, it is more appropriate to summarize the duties such that this can be interpreted more appropriately in the event the ED is unable to perform their duties. It also allows for the position to continue to delegate most of the activities to the ED and calls for a review of their activities in the event they assume a larger role in those duties.
Article IX
- This section adds language to address task forces and ad hoc groups consistent with AAPA language.
Article XII
- As an “ex officio” it is implied that the ED does not hold a vote in OAPA matters and does not need to be stated.
Article XVI
- Updates language on how Bylaws can be amended including who can propose an amendment and the process that should be followed. Language is updated to reflect a consistent manner of voting of Association activities by mail or electronic means. Ohio law states that "the regulations [Bylaws] may include provisions with respect to the following...The method by which voting members may change the regulations" In other words, we can choose how members vote on Bylaws amendments. As before, because Ohio laws states "Unless the articles or the regulations provide otherwise, voting at elections and votes on other matters may be conducted by mail or by the use of authorized communications equipment," it is proposed to transition all voting, including on amendments, away from in-person meetings and into the electronic realm. Also, it is proposed to eliminate any mention of proxy to streamline voting. Ohio law states "Unless the articles or the regulations otherwise provide, no member who is a natural person shall vote or act by proxy." So if we remove the proxy mention, then proxy will be disallowed without having to say so in the Bylaws.