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Raise Your Hand: OAPA Board & AAPA Delegate Candidates Sought

Election Raised Hands

OAPA is now seeking candidates for the OAPA Board of Directors and AAPA Delegates for terms commencing on July 1, 2025.

Positions to be elected include:

  • President-Elect
  • Vice President
  • Regional Director for Regions 1, 2, 6, and 7
  • Five (5) AAPA Delegates

Why should you consider becoming a volunteer leader for OAPA?

  1. You will actively shape OAPA's future through contributing your expertise.
  2. You will grow your professional network and meet PAs from across Ohio.
  3. You will build leadership skills and gain a deeper appreciation for the PA profession.

The OAPA Board of Directors recently approved a revised Elections Manual that governs the candidate application and election processes. All members, especially potential candidates, are asked to read the manual to learn more about the process this year.

Review the OAPA Elections Manual

The new OAPA Elections Manual was developed and adopted with these goals in mind:

  • A transparent election process for all stakeholders
  • An election process that is fair and consistent for all of OAPA's elected positions
  • An election process that allows all eligible voters to participate in OAPA elections
  • Recruitment of qualified candidates who demonstrate a commitment to leadership and to helping to achieve OAPA's vision and strategic goals
  • An election process that meets professional standards for associations like OAPA
  • An election timeline that is consistent from year-to-year

Key updates to the OAPA elections process include:

  • The election process is now entirely online and decoupled from the membership meeting at the spring conference.
  • There are no longer "nominations," but rather all candidates for office must complete an application demonstrating their interest and eligibility.
  • Candidate "platform statements" are replaced by a candidate biography and responses to several standardized short answer questions.
  • Eligibility requirements now include membership attainment on or before the previous August 1.
  • Write-in candidates will be accepted on the ballot during the voting process, but candidates will still be subject to eligibility approval.
  • The student representative position (which had included a year as student representative-elect and a year as student representative) will transition to a 1 year term to reduce the time commitment for students and increase the chance for participation for students from all of Ohio's PA programs.

The Candidate Interest & Eligibility Form is open now through April 3, 2025. 

Access the Candidate Form Here

Find out more on the OAPA Nominations and Elections web page.

Your voice matters! Raise your hand now and be the next OAPA leader. Please contact with any questions.

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