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Support Ohio PAs through Legislative Advocacy


Top 5 Ways to Advocate for Ohio PAs:


1 - Become an OAPA member, maintain your membership through dues renewal, and encourage others to join. When it comes to government advocacy, strength in numbers is critical!

2 - Mark your calendar to attend the PA Advocacy Day at the Ohio Statehouse on October 22, 2025! Practicing PAs, PA educators, and PA students from around the state are invited to participate.

3 - Show what you know as one of OAPA's go-to experts. If you have strong expertise in one or more specialty areas of PA practice, raise your hand so we can turn to you when pertinent legislation comes along.

4 - Stay informed of PA practice issues in Ohio, share legislative news with your colleagues, and make your voice heard when OAPA alerts our membership community to take action on impending legislation.

5 - Provide additional financial support through OAPA Legislative Fund (to supporting lobbying and advocacy activities) and OAPA Political Action Committee (PAC) (to provide candidate and campaign contributions).


Do you...

  • Know an Ohio legislator, whether they represent you or another district?
  • Have a connection with another association or industry group in Ohio?
  • Intend to invite legislators to your workplace or school?
  • Have a pressing practice issue that relations to legislative barriers?
  • Want to get more involved in OAPA's government affairs?

If so, please contact us at to discuss!


Just a friendly reminder that you're always welcome to reach out to your legislators to share your views as a PA and a citizen on topics that matter to you. However, please refrain from stating that you are contacting them 'on behalf of OAPA.' Before reaching out to legislators about health or healthcare-related legislation, we recommend contacting us first to check if we're already working on the issue and if we have any talking points available to support your outreach. Thank you!

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