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Take 5 Minutes to Stand Up for the PA Profession

Last month, the AAPA sent a letter to the American Medical Association (AMA) confronting its unjust and harmful attacks on PAs and other healthcare providers and calling on the AMA to cease its divisive “scope creep” campaign. View the letter on AAPA's website for more details.

Now, OAPA members can take two quick actions to amplify the voice of the PA profession.

  1. Sign AAPA's open letter to the AMA. Every signature counts and sends a powerful message. Link to the sign-on letter hereThe deadline for signatures is 8/28/24.

  2. Take a brief survey about the impact of the AMA’s campaign. The “scope creep” campaign isn't just rhetoric; it has real consequences for PAs, patients, and the healthcare system. Link to the survey hereThe deadline for responses is 8/23/24.

Thank you for taking a few minutes out of your day to help support the AAPA's effort to mobilize PAs in defense of the profession.

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