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2024 OAPA Annual Conference - KEYNOTE

Saturday, September 28, 2024, from 1:30-2 p.m.

KEYNOTE: Ohio's Confidential Monitoring Program and You

Presented by Richard Whitney, MD, DABAM, FASAM, Medical Director of the Ohio Professionals Health Program (OhioPHP)


PA health and wellness is a top priority for the OAPA community. The State Medical Board of Ohio (SMBO) developed a confidential monitoring program for all licensees and applicants, including physician assistants. This program, a therapeutic alternative to regulatory awareness, is a confidential path for individuals to seek help for burnout, mental health, substance use disorders, or other medical conditions. The SMBO has partnered with OhioPHP to administer this program, and Medical Director Richard Whitney, MD, will join us to provide a helpful overview for OAPA attendees.

Speaker Biography:

Richard Whitney MdDr. Whitney provides leadership to the organization, oversees the monitoring program and all clinical services. Before joining OhioPHP, Dr. Whitney practiced Addiction Medicine at Shepherd Hill, the Behavioral Health Department of Licking Memorial Hospital in Newark, Ohio and served as Medical Director of Addiction Services from 2001 until 2018. He is a frequent course instructor for the American Society of Addiction Medicine as well as a lecturer for a variety of professional and community organizations. He is a diplomate of the American Board of Addiction Medicine and is a Fellow of the American Society of Addiction Medicine. Dr. Whitney has also been certified by examination by the American Board of Emergency Medicine and was elected a Fellow of the American College of Emergency Physicians. He was also certified by examination by the American Academy of Pain Management.


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