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Op-Ed: New OAPA President Nathan Hart, MS, MBA, PA-C, on Impacting the Future of OAPA and PA Clinical Practice

My name is Nathan Hart, MS, MBA, PA-C, and I am the incoming President of the Ohio Association of Physician Assistants (OAPA), with my term commencing on July 1, 2024. I have more than 12 years of clinical experience as a Physician Assistant, specializing in Emergency Medicine, Hospital Medicine, Urgent Care, and Occupational Medicine. Currently, I serve as the APRN/PA Director of Hospital Medicine and Medical Care at Home at the Cleveland Clinic. In recent years, I have been an active member of OAPA, serving as the Region 1 Director and President-Elect. I have seen firsthand the positive impact OAPA has on the PA Profession in Ohio.

As my term as OAPA President begins, I want to extend my heartfelt gratitude to all the PAs throughout Ohio who tirelessly advance our profession every day. My thanks go out to the OAPA Board of Directors, AAPA Delegates, Committee Chairs and Members, Student Representatives, Executive Director, and all OAPA members who have supported our vision for advocacy and growth in 2023-2024. A special thank you to President Matthew Freado for his unwavering support and steadfast advocacy for our profession over the last year. 

As we look to the future, we must not falter in our pursuit to elevate the PA profession in Ohio. We all have a voice in how we shape the future for ourselves and for generations of PAs to come.  

Impacting the Future of OAPA and PA Clinical Practice: Your Voice Matters 

Before envisioning the future of OAPA and clinical practice in Ohio, it is essential to reflect on our history. For nearly 50 years, OAPA has supported and advocated for Physician Assistants across the state. Throughout this time, OAPA's efforts have focused on modernizing clinical practice by eliminating regulatory barriers and promoting professional growth and development. These achievements would not have been possible without the consistent support and efforts of PAs statewide, whose strong voices have driven our profession forward. By recognizing the past challenges and triumphs, we can better appreciate the importance of ensuring our voices pave the way for a more resilient and effective healthcare system of tomorrow. This historical perspective equips us with the knowledge and foresight needed to foster advancements in Ohio clinical practice that are inclusive, equitable, and sustainable, and ultimately leading to improved health outcomes for all.

Your Voice in Advocacy

Advocacy is a cornerstone of the Physician Assistant profession, embodying the commitment to equitable, high-quality healthcare for all. As front-line healthcare providers, we play a crucial role in amplifying the voices of patients, particularly those who are marginalized or underserved. We are in the unique position that allows us to advocate not only for individual patients by ensuring they receive comprehensive and compassionate care, but also for systemic changes that address broader health disparities. Through advocacy, we can influence healthcare policy and drive initiatives that enhance patient access to care. Your proactive engagement in OAPA not only improves patient outcomes but also fortifies our role as a critical component of a responsive and effective healthcare system.

Your Voice in Supporting OAPA: Ways to Engage 

Volunteer Opportunities 

Members are encouraged to reflect on their individual interests, passions, and skills in order to contribute meaningfully to the mission and vision of OAPA. Those interested in volunteering for OAPA have various avenues available. You can serve as clinical context experts, participate in PA Student events, collaborate with OAPA Regional Directors to organize PA-related activities, or get involved in OAPA Committees. These volunteer opportunities are instrumental in effecting change and advocating for our profession. For more information on how to engage in these opportunities, please contact OAPA at

OAPA Annual Conference

Ensure professional and clinical growth and development by attending and supporting OAPA at our annual conference. At the conference, you can engage with PAs from across the state to network, expand your knowledge, and support the PA community in Ohio.

PA Advocacy Day

One of OAPA's Strategic Goals is to achieve legislative victories for Ohio PAs by holding a PA Advocacy Day at the Ohio Statehouse to actively engage with legislators and stakeholders. By putting PAs directly in front of legislators during a PA Advocacy Day at the Ohio Statehouse, we aim to break down legislative barriers to practice and raise awareness of the PA profession. If you’d like to help plan this event, please let us know!


In conclusion, OAPA stands as a beacon of advocacy and support for Physician Assistants across the state. Through dedicated volunteer efforts and unwavering commitment to elevating our profession, OAPA continues to shape a brighter future for healthcare in Ohio. As we look ahead, let us reaffirm our commitment to unity and progress, working together to foster an environment where Physician Assistants thrive, innovate, and lead in care delivery. I look forward to representing OAPA and each of you in the coming year.  



Nathan Hart, MS, MBA, PA-C
OAPA President
July 1, 2024-June 30, 2025

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