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LEGISLATIVE ALERT: OAPA Submits Written Opponent Testimony on HB 73


The Ohio Association of Physician Assistants tirelessly advocates for Ohio PAs, including raising our voice when we see legislation that may negatively impact PA practice and the safety and effectiveness of patient care.

House Bill 73 has already passed the Ohio House and will have its 3rd hearing in the Senate Health Committee on June 12, 2024. This bill presents multiple significant risks to patient safety and Ohio's healthcare practice integrity. It undermines the role of healthcare providers, disrupts coordinated care, and imposes unrealistic and harmful mandates on pharmacists.

Key concerns from OAPA's perspective are that the bill:

  • enables out-of-state providers to selectively intervene in the care of Ohio patients
  • forces hospital physicians to provide any prescription medication requested by the patient and mandates hospitals to use patient-supplied medications if identifiable
  • mandates written informed consent for every off-label prescription while, paradoxically, restricting the ability to prescribe controlled substances for off-label indications
  • diminishes pharmacists' ability to intervene in unsafe prescription cases, forcing them to dispense any prescription regardless of potential harm
  • advocates for Ohio to dismiss World Health Organization guidelines

Read President Freado's full testimony for more detail.

The bill, co-sponsored by Representatives Jennifer Gross and Mike Loychik, has a history of voluminous proponent support from anti-vaccination groups and individuals who are, for the most part, not medical professionals. It has been opposed by Ohio Pharmacists Association, Ohio Hospital Association, Ohio Council of Retail Merchants, and now Ohio Association of Physician Assistants, with more opponents anticipated at the hearing.


How Can You Help?

If you are a constituent of a member of the Ohio Senate Health Committee, please reach out to your senator to share your thoughts and encourage the committee members to carefully ready Freado's testimony and oppose this legislation if and when it comes to a vote.



To further help us advance PA practice through government advocacy, please support the OAPA Legislative Fund!

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