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LEGISLATIVE ALERT: PA Licensure Compact (SB 28) Heads to Governor's Desk

UPDATE (June 28, 2024):

SB 28, the Physician Assistant Licensure Compact bill, has PASSED the House by a vote of 93-2!

The legislation moves on to Governor DeWine's desk. With his signature, Ohio would join 12 other states, with more to come, who are supporting licensure portability for improved access to care for patients and to better support the PA workforce. Learn more about the status of the compact across the country at

Thank you to all members who reached out to their representatives and those who have provided support to the OAPA Legislative Fund. The effort to advance practice for Ohio PAs is ongoing and members support means everything to the fight. Thank you!


UPDATE (June 11, 2024):

OAPA is thrilled to report that SB 28, the Physician Assistant Licensure Compact bill, has PASSED out of the House Health Provider Services Committee!

This puts Ohio one step closer to joining 12 other states, with more to come, who are supporting licensure portability for improved access to care for patients and to better support the PA workforce. Learn more about the status of the compact across the country at

The bill now moves on to the floor of the Ohio House. While we await further action, please take a minute to complete the pre-written email (see article below) if you haven't already to encourage your representative to support this important piece of legislation.


ORIGINAL ARTICLE (June 6, 2024):

OAPA is advocating for the passage of Senate Bill 28 (SB 28) which is set for its fourth hearing in the House Health Provider Services Committee and a potential vote on Tuesday, June 11.

SB 28, the Physician Assistant Licensure Compact bill, is vital in addressing healthcare provider shortages and improving access to quality care for Ohioans. OAPA appreciates bill sponsor Senator Kristina Roegner and the Ohio Senate for passing the legislation already and seeks the same support in the Ohio House and Governor's Office to get this bill turned into law.

If you haven't already shared your support for the bill with your representative, please take 30 seconds to fill out this pre-written email to encourage Ohio House legislators to pass SB 28.

Support from PAs like you is crucial to ensure that SB 28 successfully moves through the legislative process. By joining our efforts, we can make a tangible impact on healthcare policy in Ohio. Let us work together to advocate for SB 28 and secure a brighter future for our profession and the patients we serve. Thank you!



To further help us advance PA practice through government advocacy, please support the OAPA Legislative Fund!

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