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2024 OAPA Annual Conference - Workshop #3

Saturday, September 28, 2024, from 3:15-5:15 p.m.

Physician Assistant Wellbeing

Presented by Robert B. Saper, MD, MPH, Chair of the Department of Wellness & Preventive Medicine at Cleveland Clinic

Workshop Description:

We will first demonstrate how the wellbeing of physical assistants is central to the success of our health care institutions and practices. We will describe and discuss a conceptual model for physical assistant wellbeing. Health system drivers, individual factors that mitigate burnout, and the institutional benefits of supporting PA wellbeing will be reviewed. We will then discuss mindfulness – one of many practices that can be helpful in supporting our wellbeing. Lastly, we will spend at least half of the time learning and experiencing different mindfulness-based practices you can implement on Monday.

Learning Objectives:

Speaker Biography:

Saper Robert PhotoDr. Rob Saper is the Chair of the Cleveland Clinic Department of Wellness and Preventive Medicine and the holder of the Nancy J. and Michael F. Roizen Chair of Wellness. Dr. Saper graduated from Harvard Medical School, completed family medicine residency and chief residency at University of California San Francisco, and practiced for eight years in the San Francisco Bay Area. He then completed a three year NIH-funded fellowship in integrative medicine research at Harvard. In 2004 Dr. Saper joined the faculty of Boston University and founded the Program for Integrative Medicine and Health Disparities with a mission to make evidence-based integrative medicine available to all. His research focus is the safety, effectiveness, and implementation of integrative practices for common primary care problems with the ultimate goal of reducing health disparities. Yoga RCTs performed by Dr. Saper and colleagues for chronic low back pain in underserved populations contributed to the evidence base supporting incorporation of yoga into clinical guidelines for pain management. Dr. Saper has published 80 peer-reviewed papers, authored six UpToDate monographs on dietary supplements and yoga, presented over 200 lectures nationally and internationally, mentored over 70 trainees, received 30 funded grant awards NIH, Patient Centered Outcomes Research Institute, Health Resources and Service Administration, Environmental Protection Agency, State agencies, and private foundations. As Chair of Wellness and Preventive Medicine he has made growing Wellness Equity a core principle and strategy for the Department. Dr. Saper is also a 200 hour trained Kripalu yoga teacher.

*This activity has been reviewed by the AAPA Review Panel and is compliant with AAPA CME Criteria. This activity is designated for 2 AAPA Category 1 CME credits. PAs should only claim credit commensurate with the extent of their participation. Approval is valid from 9/28/2024 to 9/28/2024. AAPA reference number.

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