2024 OAPA Annual Conference - CME #10
Saturday, September 28, 2024, from 10:30-11:30 a.m.
Tracheostomy Truths for the Generalist
Presented by Lacey Hood Grego, PA-C, Cleveland Clinic
Learning Objectives:
- Identify Indications for tracheostomy placement for patients with or at risk for prolonged respiratory failure.
- Obtain a history and physical exam pertinent to chronic tracheostomy with a standardized approach.
- Describe routine chronic tracheostomy care consistent with current guidelines.
- Evaluate for speech devices and decannulation readiness consistent with current guidelines.
- Recognize and predict complications of a chronic tracheostomy in patients with prolonged tracheostomy needs.
Speaker Biography:
Lacey Hood Grego is a physician assistant in critical care and tracheostomy rounding services at the Cleveland Clinic. She has led projects such as expanding the APP’s procedural skills and advocating for point-of-care ultrasound standardization. She is dedicated to expanding POCUS education for PA students and PA faculty and across the country. She has completed a simulation education fellowship and a distinguished educator certificate program. Lacey is passionate about advocacy for the PA profession. Lacey serves on the Cleveland Clinic Enterprise PA leadership council and the Commission for Continuing Education and Professional Development for the American Academy of Physician Associates.
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